hai uolssss! (acah acah ada lagi readers dalam ni. heh)
lama gilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tak update naaa. last update awal bulan february, ni sekarang tinggal tiga empat hari ja lagi nak habis tahun ha. lama gilaaa lah!
so. 2015 is getting to the end. i just wanna talk about the whole year i've been through. tapi tu lah, malas kan, HAHAHAHAA. so theres no '2015 memories' will be update hee. kahkahkah. gila pemalas seorang nuha haaa.
whatever it is, hopefully 2015 have bring a lot of happiness and blast to all of you (acah acah ada readers lagi, haha). may the upcoming years will be more colourful and more special to every single one of us. (sekali lagi, lol.)
hmm, lama tak update. too many stories to be told, but to laaaazzzzzyyyyyyyyy to even log in to this. lagipun masa always tak mengizinkan. almaklumlah, dah bekerjaya sikit sekarang ni. hohoho. later lah, ada masa ada kelapangan and yang PENTING ada KERAJINAN lebih lagi, will update more. rindu sebenaqnya nak blogging ni. rindu sangat. tapi everything tak mengizinkan. soon lah.
till then, i see you when i see you again, cik perpel sayang ;)
** and don't worry, it is just a tittle. i'm not going anywhere without coming back here, its just a matter of time. i will be back, cuma bila tak tahu lah hahahahahaha kbyee
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